Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Let's get 2011 started!!!

Hello Family and Friends!!

Happy New Year and welcome to my blog. It has been long overdue but I finally set it up just right and am ready to share it with all of you. There might be some kinks to fix along the way as issues arise. Heck, I might even decide to revamp the whole blog completely over. But in the meantime I hope you enjoy this blog time and again as I update it with "Daily Photos"of adventures near and far.

Feel free to sign up for updates and share with your friends (you can share through the Facebook or Twitter icons). You can also follow my stream of images through flickr and see other work I like to create. And finally, on the left hand side you will see blogs I follow. As you can tell, quite a few are photography related. But I also follow a couple that support my ideals of how I would like to lead my life (see "RowdyKittens"). 

Thank you for visiting. Stay tuned for more to come :)

Martha Elena Altamirano-Cervantes
Founder of ©Squeaky Eye Foto

Michael and I on our first adventure of the year; snowshoeing in Mount San Jacinto State Park, near Palm Springs, CA where we had to ride in the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway to get to the top of the mountain.

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